Upcoming Shenzhen Conferences 2025

DATE Conference Name VENUE
29-07-2024 International Conference on Biotransformation Studies (ICOBS -24) Shenzhen, China
05-08-2024 International Conference on Microbial Biotechnology and Microbial Enzymes (ICMBME-24) Shenzhen, China
05-08-2024 International Conference on Developments in Evidence-Based Education (ICDEBEDU-24) Shenzhen, China
06-08-2024 International Conference on Multidisciplinary Social Studies, Anthropology, History and Archaeology (ICMSSAHA-24) Shenzhen, China
06-08-2024 International Conference on Social Movements (ICSM-24) Shenzhen, China
09-08-2024 International Conference on Molecular Disease Treatments in Molecular Pathology (ICMDTMP-24) Shenzhen, China
09-08-2024 International Conference on Advanced Technologies and their Applications in Agriculture (ICATAA-24) Shenzhen, China
14-08-2024 International Conference on Mathematical Statistics and Actuarial Science (ICMSAS-24) Shenzhen, China
14-08-2024 International Conference on Rural Tourism and Sustainable Applications (ICRTSA-24) Shenzhen, China
19-08-2024 International Conference on Cloud Computing and Business Process Management (ICCCBPM -24) Shenzhen, China
19-08-2024 International Conference on Statistics and Mathematics in Sports (ICOSMS-24) Shenzhen, China
26-08-2024 International Conference on Wheeled Mobile Robotics (ICWMR-24) Shenzhen, China
26-08-2024 International Conference on African Diaspora for Democracy and Development (ICADDD -24) Shenzhen, China
29-08-2024 International Conference on African Swine Fever and Transmission Studies (ICASFTS -24) Shenzhen, China
29-08-2024 International Conference on High-Level Radioactive Waste Management (ICHLRWM-24) Shenzhen, China
30-08-2024 International Conference on Business, Accounting, Financial, Marketing and Management Analytics (ICBAFMMA -24) Shenzhen, China
30-08-2024 International Conference on Crises Management, Prehospital and Disaster Medicine and Prehospital Medical Care (ICCMPDMPMC-24) Shenzhen, China
04-09-2024 International Conference on Embodied Mobile Robots and Design (ICEMRD-24) Shenzhen, China
04-09-2024 International Conference on Statistics and Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry (ICSCAC-24) Shenzhen, China
10-09-2024 International Conference on Police Studies and Criminology (ICPOSC -24) Shenzhen, China
10-09-2024 International Conference on Nuclear Waste Management and Nuclear Safety (ICNWMNS-24) Shenzhen, China
10-09-2024 International Conference on Police Studies and Criminology (ICPOSC -24) Shenzhen, China
11-09-2024 International Conference on Tourism Social Science (ICOTSS-24) Shenzhen, China
11-09-2024 International conference on Occupational science (ICOS-24) Shenzhen, China
13-09-2024 World Congress on Aquaculture & Fisheries (WCAQFI-24) Shenzhen, China
13-09-2024 International Conference on Crises Management, Prehospital and Disaster Medicine and Disaster (ICCMPDMD-24) Shenzhen, China
13-09-2024 World Congress on Aquaculture & Fisheries (WCAQFI-24) Shenzhen, China
17-09-2024 International Conference on Assistive Robotics and Wearable Robots (ICARWR-24) Shenzhen, China
17-09-2024 International Conference on Diabetes, Disease Control and Prevention (ICODDCP-24) Shenzhen, China
18-09-2024 International Conference on Educational Software Development (ICESD-24) Shenzhen, China